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Rough Fortune of 2019

Today, I'm going to show up this year's fortune roughly.
But I think this spread is for me.

After all, I'll get all fortunes from the spreads, but these readings are always for me.
If you were born Aquarius in the moon, you have near the fortune which is below.

We sometimes need pieces of advice from trustworthy sources.

I'd love to go get the answer these cards so that I can avoid incidents and proceed next tasks and then, jump higher than ever.

These are the cards which belong to the month.
Also, you know,
January, February, March and half of April already had finished their projects.

Fortune of 2019

The term of Aquarius: 1/20~2/18

You were in a good deal.
All things were well, you didn't need to take a burden.
You just went ahead to built and finish your tasks harmoniously.

The term of Pisces: 2/19~3/20

You were busy at work.
You had some burdens from your work.
You couldn't decide things you had then.
So you carried it over day to day.

But, you'd finally done them perfectly.

Everyone is clapping for you. 

Aries 3/21~4/19

You welcomed a new fiscal year.
You welcomed Spring.
You welcomed a new power.
You welcomed amount of foods.
You welcomed new colleagues.
You welcomed yourself upgraded.

You welcomed a higher idea.
You welcomed a new sight.
You welcomed every day but couldn't work.
You welcomed a renewal thought.

Taurus 4/20~5/20

You are in a little trouble.
You have a little serious problem.

You have a worry about how the amount of property you have.

You have a big worry about how do I get over that an incident.

You have the power to get through.
You can get over that a problem.
You just see through a big lens. 
You need to head up finely.

Gemini 5/21~6/21

You are in a big deal.
You are filled up with energy.
You enjoy playing money.
You'll have a nice time to be absorbed in a pleasant circumstance.

You are preparing for a near future ahead.

Cancer 6/22~7/22

You fight with your friends.
You struggle about to get an amount of share properly.

Thus, you'll get an extra lovely goody.

Leo 7/23~8/22

You rest on a nice sofa bed.
You get your seat back for yourself.
Your friends are playing in peace.
They cheer up for themselves each other.

And you also feel yourself at ease.

Virgo 8/23~9/22

You are now fighting to defend your policy.
You are efforting to behave yourself cheerful and playful.

You cannot go straight no matter how you'd love to do it so.

You have a policy which is cherished for a long time as a child, but you cannot make use of it anywhere yet.

I wonder if you can choose a light way, at this point.

I don't want to see my future in these cards.
I can make a story for this year by myself.
I don't want to be affected by seeing these cards in my future.

So, I put a period on this post.

Post: September 2nd, 2019

Libra 9/23~10/23

You need to share your love, kindness, and your abilities which you have learned until now.
That is a really precious thing for you, and that is of course for other people.

So you need to share your abilities as possible as you can.

What are my abilities?
It's what you are doing every day.

talks, tweets, blogs, walk, swim, eat, fashion, cook, shopping, e.t.c.

You are basically apt to withdrawal from the circle of friends.
So have the courage!
You can share your heart and your natural voice!

Scorpion 10/24~11/22

Someone caught the mastermind.
Or possibly start to be battle.

They have to be punished to reward what they had done by Jedi.

You are let off from them.

Your guardians are cats!
Maybe their owner will be punished by their pet.
But they are not pets but friends.

Sagittarius 11/23~12/21

Your guardians relax under the sun, and they hug each other.

You could, at last, come out from your tunnel.
There was not bad in the tunnel, but you will be able to reach a more comfortable world.

You breath fresh air in the new world.
✨ ✨ ✨ ✨

Capricorn 12/22~1/19

One of these guardians feels loneliness.
He or she is recently thinking about something.

He or she was cached by its living world.

He or she finally chooses its happiness.
It's the most simple answer.

I can see that one of the men in the cards is waiting for an answer from the universe.
He hopes his dreams come true...

That's all from these cards.

I want to see more in the future, but try to stop it!

Good luck! ⭐️



May 2019 Lucky Fortune

Hello everyone! Today, I'm going to start reading for the spread of the next coming month: May. Stay tuned on ! 日本語版は こちら 。 Now, we are already welcoming this month's fortune. I feel an air pressure of summer at a high temperature. And that also brings this coming month's fortune together! Catch the wave from the universe! The spread of this month, May: 5月 Here comes! Look, this is the spread of May, good! This picture is the result of this month's fortune. That shows us how to spend every day during this month, or how we can get through coming several incidents. Quart from the universe Wake up! Be honest yourself. Then the next steps emerge in front of you. Believe your insight. Go ahead with the opportunity. ☆☆☆ First message. Congratulations! You are being given heaven-sent praise. Let's share your joy around you. And also your family ...

March 2019 Lucky Fortune

Hi. Today, I'm going to read the fortune of the month of March by using tarot and oracle card for Monthly reading. Stay in tune on my The Japanese edition is here. Here in Japan, March is a month of fiscal year end. We are going to welcome Good-by and Happy to meet you everywhere around us. The new fiscal year starts in April, so we need to deploy something new life or social environments until end of this month to start our projects with fresh energy, healthy body and with a happy feeling at clarified spaces. This is my Month of Spread. From left, 3/1-3/6, then 3/7: this is the date of the new moon in Pisces, to 3/20, and the last term is 3/21: this is also the date of the full moon in Libra and to 3/30. What an energetic spread! Now I'm going to give an explanation for each term. Of course, already you know what to prepare for this month, but let me bring forward an important thing to build more surpri...

June 2019 Lucky Fortune

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Choose your favorite card from today's 3 cards

Hi, Today, I'm going to share your good fortune of your near future. Please join us from this blog post. 👉 👈 Now, I prepared under the 3 card to read your lucky fortune. Let's choose one from them. A or B or C !?? Which of cards do you feel something most? They are one card each other. Can you choose it yet? OK. Let's check it! CARD OPEN! A: Cultivating Prosperity YOU are going to get amount of prosperity from universe! So don't get lost your way so that achieve your goal. Go strait ahead your own way. But you need to love yourself often because we want you to win at your way until you get enough! ✴︎ B: QUEEN of PENTACLES YOU are ready for rich. You now have much time to take care of yourself, and around you. You and your family have feel happiness because of your dignity. So please feel free and then imagine your next life completely. You can unfold your own life like do...