Hi. Today, I'm going to read the fortune of the month of March by using tarot and oracle card for Monthly reading. Stay in tune on my latestremarks.blogspot.com. The Japanese edition is here. Here in Japan, March is a month of fiscal year end. We are going to welcome Good-by and Happy to meet you everywhere around us. The new fiscal year starts in April, so we need to deploy something new life or social environments until end of this month to start our projects with fresh energy, healthy body and with a happy feeling at clarified spaces. This is my Month of Spread. From left, 3/1-3/6, then 3/7: this is the date of the new moon in Pisces, to 3/20, and the last term is 3/21: this is also the date of the full moon in Libra and to 3/30. What an energetic spread! Now I'm going to give an explanation for each term. Of course, already you know what to prepare for this month, but let me bring forward an important thing to build more surpri...
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