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Showing posts from December, 2019

January 2020 Lucky Fortune

Hi,  Today, I'm going to introduce you to the January-monthly-Lucky-Fortune! Stay tuned this blog post: . January 2020 Card Spread! Look at this spread. What do you think about this? O.K., there are three court cards showed opposite side. But actuary they don't have so bad messages here. 1/1 - 1/10 You can forget your bosses and workplace team mates. It's little big blocks for you during this term. Don't worry about other things you don't need at this point. Guardian give you much bliss because you try to advance every day! So just go ahead and open your next doors to achive your goal. Sometimes you need friends keeping in touch your past time. "BE FLEXIBLE, DO WHAT YOU WOULD LOVE TO DO, WITH BIG SMILE AND BE OPEN YOUR HEART FOR OTHERS." 1/11 - 1/20 "DON'T MIND ADVERSITY OR CRITICISM FROM OTHERS WHEN YOU ARE PROCESSING THE JOBS." You don't need to being behind others. Jus...

December 2019 Lucky Fortune

Hello! I'm going to introduce this December 2019 Monthly Lucky Fortune! Stay tuned the site: . December Card Spread There are several nice meaningful cards in front row. What do you think of these cards? Blue Heron: "Make a stand for what you believe in and do what feels right in spite of any judgement disapproval from others." You are in action, you make your strong decision with your principle. But it will be disapproval for other people. You can decide advancing your decision, but you must encounter strong criticisms. Try being optimist, and keep clarity yourself. Enjoy talking to people with smile. Your spirit calms down when you receive all your friendly soul mate. Be healthy! XIV: "TEMPERANCE" Be in patient. You need patience at all time in December. When you talk, when you smile, when you action, when you are at own projects. "You're a lot tougher than you think you are." ...